Don’t forget to register soon for the workshop with David Bivin!
Workshop with David Bivin, Author & Editor
A Jewish Savior:
How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith
Fri-Sat, Sept. 25-26, 2009
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Howard Miller Community Center
14 S Church St, Zeeland, MI
David Bivin, a specialist in the Semitic and Jewish background of the New Testament, has lived in Israel for more than 40 years. As editor of Jerusalem Perspective and author of several books, he has lectured internationally on Jesus’ first-century Jewish context for over 25 years.
Bivin distills his years of study into two days (fourteen hours) of interactive study. No previous preparation is required. The workshop is designed for ordinary followers of Jesus.
Topics to be Discussed:
How do I join Mary at the feet of Jesus
Why did Jesus come as a Jewish rabbi?
How does understanding Jesus’ technique of ‘stringing pearls’
enable us to better understand his message?
How do I follow Rabbi Jesus?
Haverim and why I need some
How did Jesus and his disciples pray?
How ‘blessing’ God saturates our lives with prayer
Understanding the symbols and liturgy of Passover
How to discover Jesus in the Jewish festivals
Table fellowship: dining with God and man
Understanding the Jewish attitude to law and the goal of Torah
The mysterious Kingdom of Heaven
Becoming true disciples of our Jewish Lord
Required Textbooks:
Participants are required to bring with them to the workshop their personal copies of Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg and New Light on the Difficult Words of Jesus, by David Bivin. Both of these are available for order through the En-Gedi Bookstore.
Tuition: $300 for the two-day (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.), fourteen class-hour workshop. Sign up by sending an email to with the name, address, email, and phone of each participant. You’ll receive an email with more information about sending a deposit ($50) and attending the workshop, and will receive updates on workshop details as they become available. Save $100 by registering early! Send in your deposit by Monday, August 31.
Note: This workshop will be held in three other locations in the US during October: Stroud, OK (10/9-10); Houston, TX (10/16-17); and Garden Grove, CA (10/23-24). For more information about those seminars, see this link at
elwin kimmel says
thank you for your artical on Jesus [yeshua ] in His name