The Surprising Place where Hasidut Comes From
Some months ago, I shared a reflection on the Sermon on the Mount, that the overall theme is hasidut (ha-see-DOOT), which means to walk closely with God and to be utterly obedient to him.
Instead of asking how little you can do, ask how much you can do to please your Father in Heaven. This is what is called hasidut. The word is related to hesed (HEH-sed), which describes unfailing loyalty and loving-kindness. A hasid (ha-SEED) is a person who is exceptionally dedicated to pleasing God. Hasidut is a noun that describes their way of life — utter loyalty to God.
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Ray Vander Laan has a new series about Discipleship
I have good news for folks who enjoy learning about Jesus’ Jewish context and want to become better disciples.