I’ve been invited by the Archdeaconry of Switzerland (part of the Anglican Diocese in Europe) to lead a retreat on my writing about Jesus in his Jewish context. I was looking forward to a lovely visit to Europe but alas, COVID caused us to change our plans. We will do the event by Zoom instead and my audience will need to retreat in their own living rooms. I will be speaking from 8-12 AM Eastern time and they will be joining in from 2-6 PM their time.
NOTE 10/15/21 There still is space if more would like to sign up. There is no charge. To join in to the Zoom, register by emailing Elizabeth Bussmann at bemdeo@gmail.com by Wed. Oct 20th.
Please pray for my preparation and presentations.
Here are my seminar topics:
Friday, October 22, 2021
Session 1: Jesus, Our Rabbi and Lord: When God decided to come in the flesh, he chose to enter our world as a first-century Jew. Why did he choose that place and time? What difference does Jesus’ Jewishness make for how we read the Bible?
Session 2: Hearing Jesus through a Disciple’s Ears: What was expected of disciples in the first century? We’ll think about how this can teach how we can be better disciples.
Saturday, October 23rd, 2021
Session 3: The Bible As a Family Story: In the past few decades, family structure has greatly changed throughout Europe and America. One consequence is that we are becoming less able to read the biblical story, which is full of ancient assumptions about family relationships.
Session 4: The Puzzle of the Kingdom: Jesus preached non-stop about the Kingdom of God, but why he did so is a mystery to many of us today. We don’t realize that he was proclaiming his own identity as Christ, the Messiah of Israel, the fulfillment of all God’s promises.
daniel dyk says
Angelica Mendez says
How do I register?
Lois Tverberg says
My apologies that this didn’t get posted before – to join in to the Zoom, please register by emailing Elizabeth Bussmann at bemdeo@gmail.com by Wed. Oct 20th.
Donald Ridder says
Sign me up for the 10/22-23
I will participate from Ecuador
Robin Jankowski says
I would love to join you
Matt Zimmerman says
I would like to zoom
Ventura Jimenez says
What time in Pacific time ?
Lois Tverberg says
It would start at 5AM in the morning, Pacific time. It might be too early for you.
I would like to join you.
Kathy says
How do I register for the retreat – our rabbi Jesus. I see no link that permits me to do that
Kevin Kaufman says
Looking forward to it! Praying for you in advance. 💕🙏💕
Lois Tverberg says
I’ve emailed all of the commenters up to this point – to join in to the Zoom, please register by emailing Elizabeth Bussmann at bemdeo@gmail.com by Wed. Oct 20th.