Dear friends and readers,
Right now I’m gathering my thoughts to begin my next book. It will be another book for Zondervan, and this time I will be sole author. You know that my writing life has been focused on how knowing Jesus as his original Jewish disciples did can deepen our faith.
The theme of the book will be related to Jesus as our rabbi, but this book will be a daily guide for knowing and following him.
So, I would like to open the question to you, what would you most like to read about in a new book?
I’d love to get your feedback!
Edward Russell says
I think a daily devotional book that would put a selected portion of Scripture in its Jewish setting and context along with a matching spiritual application for the day. An example from your most recent book would be the slave’s responsibility to untie the sandles on his master’s feet and John the Baptist stating that he was unworthy to untie the sandles of Jesus. This is a real lesson in humility and service.
Joyce LaRoe says
I would be interested in knowing more of the prayer life of our Lord. The Gospels give some of His prayers (The Lord’s Prayer, Gethsemane, and John Ch. 17). In my mind, I see Jesus praising, worshiping, and talking with the Father about the things on His heart, as we do. But I don’t know the Jewish context of prayer at that time. What were the traditions and customs in terms of prayer when Jesus taught in the synagogues? Were there prayer books? If so, did the common people, the disciples pray using prayer books? Is that why they asked Jesus to teach us to pray? If the Son of God deemed it of utmost importance to go apart to pray to the Father, how much more so do we need to spend time alone in prayer?
Sue Dallibar says
I would greatly appreciate more on prayer too. I find myself struggling more the better I seem to know or understand the Lord! I just can’t collapse in a heap at the end of the day and give Him my wishlist any more.
How did Jesus and the disciples ‘do’ prayer? How can we do as Paul said and pray at all times? How to practice the all day presence of the Lord? (I’m in a non-christian family which has its own challenges.)
Manny Rodriguez says
I would like to suggest, The Priesthood of the Believers. I think this topic is overlooked in Christian circles. Jesus as our Rabbi taught his disciples about what they would become after his Atonement on the Cross.
Clear distinctions between covenants.
Wendy says
Some kind of daily application/lifestyle book would be great…covering things like prayer, praise, worship, as well as understanding the symbolism we sadly miss, due to our lack of context. I would love a series of short studies as well. I use “Listening to the Language of the Bible” as a devotional in my classes (I’m a college professor), and my students love it. They are getting a fresh look at the Bible in a way they have never experienced. The lessons are short enough to fit into the beginning of class, but meaty enough for us all to take something of value.
Thanks for all you do. I love your heart and your contribution to helping believers better understand their faith.
Miss Jocelyn says
Awesome! I don’t know what type of theme for the next book, but I definitely enjoyed all the knowledge you included in the first. I am a fact type of person so anything with history or facts would be great!
Eric says
I would like to see the relationship between Jesus’ teaching and the Torah. Everything that Jesus taught is found in the Hebrew Scriptures. So, it would be great to parallel His words with other teachings from those Scriptures. Just a thought…
Lance Walker says
I think your next book should be about the how Jewish people used visual learning to help them walk with God daily and be reminded of His Word. For instance, the mezuzah, phylacteries, tzitzit, and their Jewish significance as well as a 21st century counterpart today (pocket visuals that we could use daily to help us do the same!). Too much “devotional” christianity today…one and done spirituality…read once in the morning and forget about God all day long! Daily pocket visuals can help change all that!
Carolyn Bedingfield says
I so enjoyed your last book. Wish you would publish in book-form the Water from the Rock devotionals you wrote for the En-Gedi Resource Center. They are excellent teachings and I would like to have them all together to read and refer to whenever I want. Please consider this suggestion—a book of your devotions would be a great treasure. Thanks.
Bea Baldridge says
I like #7 and agree that would be great. In the Jewish New Testament by Stern there are many chances he missed to really relate hebraically some things, such as Simon couldn’t have been a leper because Yeshua wouldn’t have gone there and a leper would not have had a house, it should probably be translated “jarmaker.” Such as that. Bringing in idioms like you did in ORJ. And like David Bivin has done.
Alex Renko says
I would very much like to see some teaching on Sheva Mitzvot B’nei Noach (The Seven Laws of Noah) and their ultimate reincarnation in the gentile world. It is quite common that so many Christians in our churches believe that everything in Torah is addressed only to Hebrews and that God had nothing directly to say to gentiles until the coming of Christ.
Steve says
maybe a book on the torah, its commandments and ways and discussion on how to live them out in every day life.
one page per commandment… should be a big volume.
Ann Sturdy says
I have loved “Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus”. I have just returned from my first trip to Israel, and this book went with me, and has ignited a desire to know more. I would love any book that you decide to write as it is all new to me, and has enriched my christian walk tremendously.
Jenntara says
I have so much enjoyed this book that I encouraged my book club to read it. We divided it in half for two months. I am wishing there were a full-on bible study with video to go with it!!12 weeks of in-depth study might just scratch the surface.
Just a thought.
Donna says
I enjoyed your book,”Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus” so much a year ago that I felt moved to create a summer Bible study using your book as the primary base, also two other books by David Blivin, plus a few other helps and some internet information. It was well received by the women who attended. Seeing women (and men) value God’s word enough to participate in reading and studying the Bible consistently is the desire of my heart. How else will we as Christians learn to value the relationship we have with God that has been restored to us though the work of Christ?
I usually wind up reading specific books like yours and then create questions so that people will not depend on a book other than the Bible for their answers. I have found that we people can become proud easily and begin discussing the greatness of authors, competing and comparing, rather than the greatness of our Lord. So with this in mind, I have tried to focus on finding good and godly books, such as yours, doing the research, and developing the questions myself in such a way that students must look for answers in Scripture. This has caused them to do some of the thinking themselves and connect with the Word. Then after we have gone over what they have discovered, I present a lesson gleaning information the Scriptures as well as my outside resources, thus adding to what they have gleaned first from Scripture on their own. In this way, students connect with the Scriptures more, and less with the author of a book. I hope you are not offended by my approach. I always include a reference list at the end, in case anyone wishes purchase books and delve deeper, which some have done.
I guess my point in writing all this is that I have had such a deep conviction that studying the Scriptures is becoming expensive. I my own church many bible studies run $15-$25 for the study books. Some women have not been able to afford this, and while the church often steps in and helps, I feel so strongly that it would be nice if Bible study in churches and in communities could be free. I was pleased that you put your study guide online, and I drew a couple of questions from it that did not require that women have the book. So what I’m saying is could you write a book that people could buy if they wish, but also create a study guide that went along with the book that was online and free, but used Scripture mostly? The book could be the leaders guide without being called a leaders guide, so anyone could purchase it for their own enrichment and reading pleasure.
Sorry for the length of this. Please know I did enjoy your book and the study my Bible group benefited from by having it as a central theme. Thanks for all you do.
Laura says
I agree with posts #13, 14 and 15–your book, SITTING AT THE FEET… has lanched me into a deeper study with an increasing desire to understand the Hebraic foundations of my faith. Thankyou for continuing to provide a place with resources to continuue learning!
craig says
It would be nice to read something that puts the Lords Prayer in its original context. I think it would also be good to look at more of the Jewish rituals, ie mikveh (ritual bath) – this may be especially important as it carries over into the Christian baptism; as well as a more in depth look at the Jewish Feasts (from Passover to Feast of Tabernacles).
Rebecca says
Honestly, I’d love to see you publish an in-depth commentary of the Gospels (begin with ONE :-). Line by line, story by story, providing commentary on what things REALLY mean in the context of Jesus’ Judaism and that of the writers, as well. I know it would be a big project, but seriously, while these “nice little books” contain much that is profound, they only go so deep. How great it would be to take a trip through one of the gospels with you offering insights every step of the way. Have you thought about it?
Arlan Gerig says
I have been looking for a book like “Sitting at the Feet of Rabbi Jesus” for years and was so overjoyed to find this one. It has opened my eyes to more of what Jesus taught his disciples and how he lived. It has also opened my eyes to what Jesus expected of the people listening to him and what he expects of us. Do we just listen and let that seed die by the thorns choking it or do we grow and blossom and reach out to those around us who need Jesus?
I would like to see explanations of some of Jesus’ teachings, such as in-depth study of what Jesus was communicating in the Sermon on the Mount.
Karen Sullivan says
Lois- I teach the Bible to the adults at my church. I’m planning on teaching them about the Jewish Roots of Christianity. I have read your latest book “Covered in the Dust…” which has whet my appetite to learn everything I can on this subject! I have noticed the discussion questions at the end of each chapter–however I’m in need of something more. I’m searching for reliable, trustworthy, curriculum resources that will help Christians learn how Jewish the Christian faith is, and am coming up empty-handed. I believe there’s a real market for this type of educational materials.
Beryl says
Would really like to read about the letters of Paul as a woman in ministry want to hear your approach that I believe will be so revealing and contextual.
James N. Benko says
I remember a great book by the late H.M.S. Richards entitled,”What Jesus Said”. The book was a Biblical attempt to explain what Jesus taught on specific topics such as God, the Holy Spirit, the Sabbath, Death, Hell, etc. The only flaw I see now in that book is it’s lack of placing Jesus and His teachings in its proper Jewish context. No doubt, the book holds to the high standard of the Scriptures, but the truth is the Jews were not uniform on what the TANAKH taught. If you can write and publish a book on what Jesus actually taught on Bible doctrines and how it compared to what other Jews believed, it would be real contribution to clarifying our Master’s position on these issues and dispelling error. Your book in this regard would make truth triumphant and bring glory to His name.
thomtapp says
I am starting a Bible study using your “Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus”, and agree with Donna above. I would LOVE to have a good study guide to the book, and it’s contents. Donna, if you read this, I would love to see your lesson plans and how you did your study.
Lois, I can’t get enough of your writing, so whatever you write I will read! As a pastor of 32 years now, you have breathed a fresh new life into my personal relationship with Jesus! Thank you!
Lois Tverberg says
Thanks so much for your encouraging comments, Thom. I just wanted to point out that Walking in the Dust actually does have study questions in it already, at the end of each chapter. We made the study guide for Sitting at the Feet after finishing the book, but when I wrote Walking in the Dust, I made sure to put a discussion guide in it so that people could read through it together.
Klaas de Jong says
dear Lois Tverberg,
Your book walking in the dust is very interesting and well written. In your book I found several Dutch names. This is not so strange as you live in Holland!
Are translations in Dutch of this book? I think that a Dutch version might be a good idea although the market is very small compared to English books.
I just published a book in dutch about the shofar. It is peculiar that English, German, French and Dutch Bibles generally translate shofar into trumpet instead of ram’s horn. That is confusing and you do not see the relation with abraham and Isaak on mount Moriah.
Jeff Guest says
To continue to open western (WEIRD) eyes, minds and hearts to the daily cultural traits, setting and use of language is a vital education we need. Having friends who have been turned off the Way of Jesus by well meaning misquotes of scripture for whom I have had to apologise for my churchy colleagues who do not realise they are wearing eyeglasses coloured with western thinking.
Obtaining a clear understanding of what folk in 1st century Israel meant then is so very important. A little understanding of terms like ‘pouring coals of fire on the head’ would be wonderful.
You have joined in with ancient treasures such as Edersheim and mre recent joys such Fruchtembaum and Kenneth Bailey. Keep up the good work. Thank you for all your shared insights. Thrilling.
Robin L Hamar says
How about writing a book on the Daughters of Zion of what they are and what they do in heaven from a Jewish perspective? Many of these daughters suffer alone on earth and don’t have a voice.
Neville Coe says
I would like to see a book on Jesus and the Pharisees. I believe about a third of Jesus’s teaching was to this group. The bible says”whom God loves he rebukes” and Jesus spent a lot of time rebuking the Pharisees. They followed him everywhere, argued with him, dined with him and eventually two of them rescued his body to be given a decent burial. A book about their history, beliefs, practices and giving a hebraic view on their interactions with Jesus.