The Jerusalem Seminary is a brand new institution that I’m excited about. The classes are taught by excellent scholars who combine a mature understanding of the Jewishness of Christianity with a prayerful faith in God. Courses are hybrid – both zoom and in person, so people can take part without traveling to Israel.
There are some great new classes this session, but you need to hurry to sign up – they start March 1st! Their latest course announcement is below.
Jerusalem Seminary Spring 2022 Online Courses
After Jerusalem Seminary’s first official School of the Bible online courses in Fall 2021 (see the live stream of the School of the Bible Inauguration here) with dozens of students and rave reviews (explore student testimonials here), the Spring 2022 semester courses are available for enrollment and now can be used to fulfill requirements in one of four certificate tracks. You can jump over to the Spring 2022 course catalog for all the details, but here is a quick summary of these five exceptional and unique courses:
When? March through May 2022, meeting weekly.
Format? Hybrid combining the best of both worlds – accessible in that weekly recorded lectures are made available each week for flexible viewing, but coupled with three live sessions (beginning, middle, end) to help engender community for both the “Life and Land of Yeshua” and the “Jewish Life and Literature” courses. Note that for the “Faith, Politics and Ministry in the Middle East” course, live sessions are weekly. Live sessions for all classes are also recorded for ease in catching up or review.
Time Commitment:Depending on the course, about 3-4 hours a week for enrichment and 4-6 hours a week for credit. (Hebrew 6-9 hours a week). Most weekly prerecorded lectures are two academic hours long and for those taking a course for credit, each week another two to four hours are required for readings, assignments and forum posts, and a brief weekly quiz.
Life and Land of Jesus (Yeshua) – 3 credits, $450, Starts Wed 2 March 2022
Course Description: In this course the geographical, archaeological and cultural setting of Jesus in the Gospels is explored. Students will hear from a team of seasoned servant-scholars and learn to read the Gospels afresh through the prism of first-century Roman and Jewish lenses, deepening their understanding of Yeshua and His world.
Instructors: Dr. Noel Rabinowitz, along with Dr. Randall Buth, Dr. Halvor Ronning, Gary Alley, Dr. Adam Focht and Baruch Brian Kvasnica. Meeting Times: Three live sessions – Wednesdays 9:00-10:00AM Eastern Time (4:00-5:00PM Israel Time) on 9 March, 13 April and 25 May; and 12 lectures posted weekly– each being about two academic hours long.
Jewish Life and Literature – 3 credits, $450, Starts Tuesday 1 March 2022
Course Description: This course is foundational to understanding the Bible both in its ancient Israelite context and in considering how to Jewish life relates to circumstances today. It engages broadly across traditional Jewish literature – from the Torah to the modern period, emphasizing how the Jewish classics have shaped Jewish life, traditions and customs down to the present day. We will trace the historical roots of various Jewish life practices from their origins in the Torah and their journey through the centuries and diverse periods of Jewish literature.
Instructor: Elazar Brandt. Meeting Times: Three live sessions on Tuesdays 10:00-11:00AM Eastern Time (5:00-6:00PM Israel Time): 8 March, 19 April and 24 May and 12 lectures posted weekly – each being about two academic hours long.
Faith, Politics and Ministry in the Middle East – 3 Credits, $450, Starts Tue 8 March 2022.
Course description: No other course provides such a unique gathering of ten veteran ministry workers in Israel and the Middle East, who share from their years of experience on the ground. We know societal pressures and politics affect faith and ministry. But how does this sometimes volatile combination play out on the ground? In this course, seasoned ministers living out this complex reality will share their knowledge, amazing experiences and insights on how to best serve the Lord, minister to Arabs and/or Jews, and live out their faith, all in the midst of both the Israel-Palestine conflict and religious rivalry.
Instructor: Dr. Adam Focht with ten other veteran ministry workers that range from Jonathan Miles to David Pileggi, Danny Kopp, a worker in the Levant, Yochanan Stanfield, a worker in Turkey, Joel Goldberg, Petra Heldt, and others. Meeting Times: Weekly live sessions: Tuesday 12:30-1:30PM Eastern Time (7:30-8:30pm Israel Time) with additional two-hour lectures posted weekly relating to the upcoming live session.
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