(This is a slightly longer version of the article I wrote for Premier Christianity this month that includes footnotes.) In recent years, some Christians, including my fellow Premier Christianity columnist Chine McDonald, have decided to stop using masculine pronouns (he/him) for God. Chine made some very good points in her recent article, including that God […]
Levirate Marriage from an African Perspective
According to Deuteronomy 25:5-10, in Israel when a man died without a son, his wife would be taken in marriage by one of his other brothers. The reason was so that the man’s “name would not be cut off” and his property would pass on to a male heir. This also assured that the widow […]
Learning to Read my Bible through Ancient Eyes – Rain and Sacrifice
A few months ago I went to Uganda to visit an Old Testament scholar there, Rev. Dr. Milly Erema, who reads the Bible with “ancient” eyes. (More below.) Many of her insights come from living in a traditional eastern African society not far from the biblical world, culturally. Answers to many modern biblical conundrums become […]
Have We Misunderstood the Pharisees?
It is easy for Christians to read these passages smugly, as if only the foolish Pharisees could make these mistakes. Instead, we should see the sayings of Jesus as wise words to anyone who yearns to obey God.
The Torah’s Best-Kept Secret: Sanctification of the Lord’s Day
Ask any Christian familiar with the Hebraic roots of their faith: what day of the week is uniquely set apart by the Hebrew Scriptures? The Sabbath, of course. All other holy days, because they are fixed by the combined lunar-solar Hebrew calendar, fall on a different day of the week each year. Or do they?
The King is Alive: Why the Resurrection makes all the Difference
The New Testament talks non-stop about the resurrection and how it proves Jesus is the Christ, God’s anointed Messianic King. Not many Christians understand why, though.
‘Love your enemy’? Jesus’ most radical words explained
Loving our enemies might seem impossible, but it’s central to what it means to be a Christian. Lois Tverberg expands on Christ’s most challenging command. Some of Jesus’ teachings were quite similar to those of other rabbinic teachers of his time. There was, however, one major theme that was entirely unique to him. Not only […]
The Good News Begins in Genesis
January is a time for fresh beginnings. So many of us like to start afresh in our Bibles and turn back to Genesis again. But what if, as we read the scriptures this year, we decided to mentally put ourselves in the shoes (or sandals) of Abraham and Sarah? How might the creation story sound […]
Was the Law of the Rebellious Son Actually Progressive?
One law in the Torah that makes modern readers shudder is that of the punishment of the rebellious son: If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his […]
A Hebraic Look at the Gospel and its Surprising Bearers
I’m always fascinated to dig into the Hebraic background of words we know from the New Testament. One prominent word we encounter is euangelion – “gospel” or “good news.” We hear it all the time in the New Testament, but what can we learn about its meaning and imagery when we find it in the […]
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